
TeleEye 全面的監控解決方案-有效的遠程運輸和對貴重物品的保護
TeleEye Europe 正與分銷商 Northwood Technology Limited 合作,為愛爾蘭一間專門從事現金與貴重物品運輸的公司 Treanor Security Systems Limited (TSS) 設計並提供了一個嚴密的保安和安全措施。為了提供高效和無縫的解決方案,我們特別設計了一個移動視像錄影系列-TeleEye RX 500系列,提供一個全面的錄像監控解決方案,在 TSS 整個為數12個車隊建立安全可靠的環境中發揮了關鍵的作用。
消除保安風險 - 自訂繼電器操作

A safe and secure working environment for their workforce and increasing the security level for cash in transit vehicles, are top priorities in order to avoid robbery threats. John Treanor, owner of TSS was tasked to source a video surveillance system that would allow the monitoring of their fleet of security vehicles while on the move, together with the added need for real-time transmission and customised relay operations specifically delivering a “panic button” alarm functionality.
為了保障保險箱內貴重物品的安全,TeleEye 設計了 RX500系列的DVR,以防止他人未經授權打開車內的保險箱。 因此,只有在總公司的授權下,才能關上點火開關和打開保險箱。 此外,TSS亦能夠安全地打開運輸車輛內的多個保險箱,無需經手動操作,以防止任何干擾及消除安全上的風險。
A centralised remote vault access at the Head Office is a compulsory element. These highly secured features would ultimately allow TSS to fully comply with all the necessary standards stipulated by the Private Security Authority (PSA), the statutory body with responsibility for licensing and regulating the private security industry in Ireland.
John Treanor explains “Ensuring the safety of the staff and that the vehicles are running efficiently and effectively are fundamental. It is crucial that we are able to respond immediately and appropriately to any incidents that may occur”.

高效視頻傳輸 - TeleEye SMAC-M視頻編碼
可安裝的移動DVR RX500系列包括:RX504,RX508和RX518,這些型號均包含 TeleEye SMAC-M 視頻編碼技術,提供更快速的視頻傳輸,讓最高錄製幀速率高達100/120 fps。 針對任何移動或遠程的應用程式,以及超低延時和難以連上的固定網路,TeleEye RX500系列絕對是理想之選。TeleEye RX500系列可在3G / 4G移動網絡上操作,有利於如 TSS 般現金中轉或移動的車隊環境,並允許無間斷的衛星通信以及在不利環境和應用上的監控。

Delivering on vital safety aspects for their crew through the implementation of enhanced security procedures, TeleEye successfully addresses the need in safeguarding against the threat of robberies and the protection of valuables in transit. Remotely monitoring their fleet through TeleEye sureSIGHT, an advanced feature- rich software solution. It allows TSS to utilise the sophisticated event management functionality adhering to BS8418 quality standards. Furthermore, sureSIGHT enhanced security by allowing users to be assigned varied or strict 'user rights' in accordance to the operators' and users' needs, delivering optimised performance. TeleEye supplies an indispensible and complete end-to-end surveillance solution.
TeleEye通過執行加強的安全程序,為工作人員提供重要的安全方面,成功解決了財物在運輸中被搶劫的威脅,以保障財物的安全,同時也保障了工作人員的安全。透過使用多功能的錄像監控軟件 TeleEye sureSIGHT 遠程監控他們的艦隊,這是一個高級功能豐富的軟件解決方案。它允許TSS利用符合BS8418質量標準的複雜事件管理功能。此外,sureSIGHT通過允許根據運營商和用戶的需要向用戶分配不同或嚴格的“用戶權限”,提高安全性,提供優化的性能。 TeleEye提供了一個不可或缺和完整的端到端監控解決方案。
Commitment - Future Proof Technology

John stated "As we continue to add to our branch network, we are committed to using advanced technology to improve on safety and security. TeleEye's professional digital video recorder solutions which is specifically designed for public & commercial transport applications, provides a future-proof system".